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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Post Seminar Engagement

We’ve all been there. You attend a great session with a great speaker and walk away feeling like you’ve been empowered—eager to get back to the office and put your newfound learning to work. Then reality crashes in and when you get back to thinking about the seminar it’s three weeks later and you’ve forgotten much of what you learned.

As a speaker, there are some things you can do to help your audience avoid that post-seminar letdown and remember you favorably. Consider the following:

  • Create a Facebook Group and invite attendees to join to continue the discussion online. Groups can be open (anyone can see content) or closed (limited access).
  • Send a follow up e-mail with a link to the materials or reminder tips from the session.
  • If the number of attendees is manageable, send handwritten thank you notes with brief reminders outlining the top points of the session. You might include a logo item with a salient message as a reminder.
  • Make sure to include your Twitter handle, Facebook info, e-mail and blog address (encourage RSS) so attendees can easily contact you and learn more. Click on the icons below for ours!
Giving your audience a variety of options to contact you and get follow up information will encourage them to continue down the learning path that started in your session. It will also keep you top of mind so they may refer you to their friends and business associates when they need a speaker or business partner. Engaging and continuing the discussion lets attendees know you care and that they are important to you.

If you have any questions or need a management, marketing or motivational speaker for your next event, please e-mail us at or call Jeanne Frazer at 919.850.0605.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CRM&M Series, Part 3: Using New Technology

In part 1 of our CRM series, we talked about approaches to relationship building. Part 2 provided tips for making your CRM & Marketing efforts more effective. In part 3 of the series, we follow with ways to incorporate some new technologies into the mix and further engage customers.

Seems like every time you turn around there is some new technology that changes how we market to or communicate with our customers. There is always that first big push of excitement and then reality sets in as we marketers try to figure out how to make the new doo-dad work for us! It is important to remember that while the shiny new penny may be fun to play with, it isn’t always the best tool to reach every customer out there.

CRM & Marketing Article Series - Part 3 provides tips on how you can integrate newer technologies into your marketing mix.

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